What is Hogan Assessment?

We provide premium assessment-based solutions for making decisions about people.


• Our core assessments solve problems common to all organizations—safety solutions, high potential identification, leadership development.

• Our research archive has performance data for most jobs in the global economy.

• Our assessments help individuals, teams, and organizations across the world.

• •Our research team develops customized assessments to solve unique problems for

our clients.

Dr. Robert Hogan
Five Key Research Contributions
  • 1980
    Proved that personality predlcts occupational performance.
  • 1990
    Discovered how leadership has financial consequences.
  • 2000
    We showed that personality predicts leadership performance-who you are determines how you lead.
  • 2005
    We identified 11 dark side personality factors that derail leaders and organizations.
  • 2017
    We demonstrated the need to distinguish between leader emergence and leader effectlveness.
Why Our Research Matters
  • Business success depends on making good decisions about money and people.
  • Using data to support decisions about people is always best practice.
  • our assessments provide an unbiased and scientific basis for making informed decisions about people.
Why You Need Hogan Assessment (change the color ofWhy You Need Hogan Assessment (change the color of
  • Research
    3o+ years of
    independent research
    Full in-house research
    team staffed with
    I/O professionals
  • Reputation
    Hogan tools measure a
    person's reputation
    How others will likely
    describe an individual
  • Prediction
    ldentification of candidates
    that will perform and fit the
    Bottom-line results from
    improved performance to
    reduced turnover
  • Context
    Hogan tools measure a
    person's reputation
    How others will likely
    describe an individual
•To help people and organizations succeed using data-driven talent insights
•Support network spans 56 countries
•Support 45 languages
•Assist 974 job solutions
•9 million assessments
Why You Need Hogan Assessment (change the color ofWhy You Need Hogan Assessment (change the color of
  • Greater Employee Engagement
  • Lower Recruiting Costs
  • Reduced Turnover
  • Higher Performance
  • Increased Sales and Revenue
  • Increased CustomerSatisfaction
  • lmproved Productivity
  • Fewer Accidents
What We Measure
Our Core Assessments
  • The MvPI describes anindividual's core values -the goals and interests that determine satisfaction and drive careers.
  • The HPI describes how individuals manage stress,interact with others,approach work tasks,and solve problems.
  • The HDS describes behaviors that emerge during times of stress,damaging relationships and derailing careers.
Our Core Assessments Define:
  • Values
    Inside Values
    will you like the job?
    The work environment
    you will strive to create
  • Strengths
    Bright side Strengths
    Can you do the job?
    Characteristics you
    possess to create it
  • Risks
    Dark Side Rlsks
    What will get in your way?
    Performance risks that
    could get in the way
Thoughts Leadership


(link to The Ultimate Guide to Personality Tests | Hogan Assessments)

Hogan is always thinking strategically about personality—we hope you enjoy checking some of our thought leadership pieces.









(Above information extracted from Hogan official website.)

If you decide to purchase Hogan Assessment and Interpretation services, please Pay from Here

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